Trochu pointless úvaha... Nenutím vás to číst, ostatně je to anglicky, jelikož věčinou raději myšlenky prezentuji v angličtině a ani vlastně nevím proč. Enjoy.
Snídaně: -
Oběd: řízek a bramborový salát (450 kcal)
Večeře: kousek beránka (20kcal)
Pohyb: meh... Trocha zdravého pohybu? (Sex) (- milion kcal)
Celkem: 470 kcal / 500 kcal
S bazálním metabolismem (2 102 kcal): - 1 632 kcal (- milion kcal)
Tenhle den jsem šíleně dojebala... Zítra kašlu na 300 a dám Fast...
Sometimes I think about how good moments are like rare products. I'm paying price so high for it and in the end these moment don't worth it. And what makes you then suffer the bad for these expensive moments when you had such a bad experience? Sometimes I'm asking myself if there is for me the good finally for free, cos I paid preliminary and want to see some results. Or I do not deserve the good? I'm fucking tired of this.
Sometimes, I think is the last time, when I pay for happiness. If it's gonna hurt first like it hurt before, now... I don't want it. Leave me without happiness, it's okay, I already feel empty. Leave cos you're leaving me always anyway...